Book Review - Indispensable Stitch Collection for Crocheters

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Title: Indispensable Stitch Collection for Crocheters
Author: Melissa Leapman
MSRP: $24.99 USD

Book review by Pia Thadani - Stitches'N'Scraps

Do you like to create your own designs? Or maybe you like to work with existing patterns, but change them up a bit? If so, this book is for you. Most of these designs can easily be used to make squares or rectangles for blankets, washcloths, scarves, cowls, and more.

Indispensable Stitch Collection - Cover - Book review on CGOA Now!

The introduction section has everything you need to get started personalizing patterns or even designing from scratch. It includes tips on reading the stitch pattern charts, incorporating the stitches into projects, and shaping your projects without interrupting the pattern.

Indispensable Stitch Collection - Book review on CGOA Now!

The 200 stitch patterns are divided up into categories - Simple solid patterns, shell and open fan stitch patterns, openwork and lace patterns, textured patterns, colorwork patterns, and edgings. Each stitch pattern includes written instructions and charted instructions. The stitch multiples are also clearly indicated so you can easily adjust the edges as needed to fit your project. Some stitch patterns are reversible, and are marked as such with a special icon.

Indispensable Stitch Collection - Page 31 - Book review on CGOA Now!

At the back of the book is a reference section, containing detailed diagrams for all of the basic stitches and techniques used in the book. It also includes abbreviations used, standard symbols, and more information on reading the stitch diagrams.

Indispensable Stitch Collection - Resource Section - Book review on CGOA Now!

You can win your own copy of this wonderful book, provided by the publisher, Creative Publishing International. To be eligible, you must be 18 years of age or older, with a valid, US or Canadian shipping address. The winner will be contacted by email, and must reply to that email and provide the shipping address within 1 week in order to receive the prize. If the winner does not reply within 1 week, a new winner will be selected.

The giveaway ends on September 30th. Hurry and enter below! 

Disclaimer: A free review copy of Indispensable Stitch Collection for Crocheters was provided by Creative Publishing International. Although I accept free products for review, I do not accept additional compensation, nor do I guarantee a positive review.  My reviews are based entirely on my honest opinions. All images of copyrighted material are used with permission.


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