The CGOA Now! blog has some exciting things in store for 2016. We've just assembled a new team of volunteer bloggers who will be helping all your favorite long-term CGOA bloggers keep you up-to-date on CGOA news and all things crochet, so you can expect to see more frequent and informative posts in the new year!
We'd like to introduce you to the new team, but first...
Did you know CGOA Now! is your blog? All members of the Crochet Guild of America are eligible to submit blog posts for CGOA Now!. If you have something you'd like to say to the crochet community or would like to join the volunteer blog team (and are a current member of CGOA), please send an email to CGOAnow {at} crochet {dot} org.
And now on to our new blogger team!
Laura Blake
Laura's grandmother taught her how to crochet when she was 8 years old. She crocheted on and off throughout the years until she made a baby bonnet for a friend in 2013, and hasn't stopped crocheting since. She loves to show how beautiful crochet can be (and that's its not inferior to knitting). Her experience has now grown to include testing patterns and proofreading for designers. You can find her on the web on Facebook, Instagram, Etsy, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Marie Segares
Marie Segares is an accomplished crochet blogger and proprietress of Underground Crafter and the Creative Yarn Entrepreneur podcast. She is a Craft Yarn Council Certified Crochet and Knitting Instructor who regularly teaches fiber classes, has had patterns published in numerous magazines, and contributes to several craft blogs. While crocheting is her favorite craft, she also enjoys soap making, quilting, sewing, embroidery, and even knitting! She can be found on the web on Facebook, Ravelry, and YouTube, and on Twitter @ucrafter and @cyeshow.
Stacy Vaka
Stacy learned the art of crochet from her aunt when she was 12 years old. She launched her blog, Crochet Kitten (where she uses the nickname Animator's Wife), in 2007 to support her crochet and belly dance habits. She enjoys the mathematical, designing aspect of crocheting, but also likes putting together tutorials to share her love of crochet with the world. Find her on Facebook, Ravelry, Twitter, and Pinterest.
12 Free Crochet Lion Patterns
2 days ago