The CGOA will be pairing conference "Newbies" with experienced conference goers as "Buddys". Terry K. will be coordinating the placement of buddies with newbies and we will be planning some events to do together to welcome the new attendees.
If you remember your first time at the conference, you will appreciate how nice it will be for the new folks to come, knowing someone will be there to give them a hand. This does not have to be a huge time commitment, and once you are assigned, you can work together with your buddy and decide how to proceed. Terry will be organizing a few events to attend together that will break the ice for the newcomers.
If you are an experienced conference goer, please consider volunteering to be a buddy to a new conference attendee. You may contact Terry on the CGOA members-only yahoo message board, on Ravelry (tk-arts) or via her email address at twkehrer. (Please put the email address parts together as required.)
You can also contact the CGOA management office for more information.
The New Children's Museum, San Diego, CA
3 days ago
I am so honored to be a member of the CGOA. I would absolutely be thrilled to go to the conference this year, unfortunately, my 2 year old is undergoing his 3rd open heart surgery during that time. maybe next year will be a go. :-s Dont have too much fun without me!