What do you know? It's March again already, and that means it's National Crochet Month! Your CGOA Board of Directors invites you to help us celebrate! Let's have a month-long conversation and Crochet-Along right here on the blog.
Do you plan on doing anything special in March to help promote awareness of just how awesome crochet is? Please post a comment and let us know your plans. Feel free to post links to your activities!
If you need help deciding how you’d like to help promote crochet during March, here are some ideas:
Promote crochet.
Teach someone to crochet.
Offer to create a crochet display at your local library.
Write a book review of any crochet book. (Post it here on the blog!)
Expand your own crochet skills.
Learn a new crochet stitch or technique.
Experiment with a new yarn.
Visit your local library to see what crochet books they have.
Crochet for charity.
Select a special charity to crochet for during March.
Explore new charities you might like to crochet for. A good resource for finding charities is Lion Brand's Charity Connection.
Make new crochet friends.
Attend a local crochet meeting.
Join or start a local CGOA chapter.
Strike up a conversation with someone you see shopping for yarn. You can break the ice by asking if they know March is National Crochet Month!
Let's have a month-long party in celebration of National Crochet Month!
The New Children's Museum, San Diego, CA
2 days ago